A cherry wood aged raisin bock, that's a whole mouthful isn't it? Yes, both literally and figuratively. The Blazin' Raisin is not your ordinary bock. The finest ingredients harvested by the owl are collected and put together into a sublime craft beer. This time, the owl has returned home with cherry wood, raisins and Magnum Hops? Yea right, no way that that could be a beer right? well, yes it can!
\nThe Blazin' Raisin cherry wood aged raisin bock is a beer that takes you completely out of your comfort zone. The enchanting combination of raisins and cherry is absolutely sublime. The sweet and the sour, along with the bitterness of the Magnum hops takes you for a ride. Intense flavors and to sum it up, an ABV percentage of 6.5%.
\nBy now you must be wondering; is the Blazin' Raisin really that out of the ordinary, is it really that out of my comfort zone, and are the flavors really that intense? Well, why don't you find out for yourself! Go right ahead and have them delivered right at your home address. And by all means, don't forget to enjoy!

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