Cleanup Day

Don't bullsh*t, just brush!

Or as we say in Dutch, 'don't bullshit, but polish'. And cleaning we will. On Saturday, September 18, we roll up our sleeves and get to work in the natural habitat of the owl: the Waarderpolder in Haarlem.

Everyone is welcome

Come as you are and stay as long as you like. We will provide gloves, trash grabbers and trash bags, you can pick this up at the brewery. Last but not least, each participant will receive a goodie bag from us as a reward.

Trade your garbage bag for a Uiltje goodie bag!

So this is a swap: a full garbage bag for a Uiltje goodie bag. What exactly is in that goodie bag? Ah, so that's a surprise....

Recycle forever

We see World Cleanup Day as the perfect opportunity to clean up our environment and transform the collected junk into something interesting. To make sure this is done in a beautiful way, we partner with Beach Cleanup Foundation Beachcomber's Luck Foundation. They process all usable materials into cool, new products.


You game? Let us know. The more souls, the more joy. For questions, comments or possible collaborations, send an email to

Where & When

When: Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021
Time: 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.
Meet up: Uiltje Brewing Company, Bingerweg 25
Cleanup location: Waarderpolder, Haarlem