Barrel aged

Want to order beautiful barrel aged beers? Then you can indulge yourself here.

Indeed, at Uiltje you will find a wide range of beers aged in wooden barrels with diverse backgrounds. This results in endless interesting and complex flavors. Dive into the world of barrel aged beers and discover the Valhalla for specialty beer lovers!

Taste the flavors of barrel aged beer

Barrel aged beer, barrel aged in English, is miles away from the standard lager. The beers are dark, high in alcohol, and full of complex aromas. For this reason, they are especially popular among seasoned craft beer lovers. But even as a less experienced beer drinker, you're sure to enjoy them - just take it easy! Usually dark beers with a lot of alcohol, such as imperial stouts, are used for barrel aging. During barrel aging, the beer not only takes on the flavor of the wood, but also of the liquids that have previously sat in the barrels. These can be other beers as well as spirits such as whiskey, bourbon, sherry, port or rum. Maturation time can vary from a month to several years; the longer the beer sits in the barrel, the more the flavor changes.

Discover barrel aged beers from Uiltje

You may know our brewery mostly for its super fresh beers, but we also have a pretty impressive selection of more mature beers. We take some of our heavier beers, such as imperial stouts, barley wines, quadruples and bocks, and rest them in our top secret barrel room in a remote corner of our brewery. There, our heavies mature in barrels that have previously held spirits - usually for at least a year. When we think it's time, we open the barrels, let them recover for a while in our beer tanks and put them in cans or glasses. Do you dare to taste them? Then order quickly, because these beers are being released in limited editions!

Looking beyond barrel aged beers?

Would you like to get to know more great beers besides our barrel aged beers? Then our online shop offers more than enough to choose from! Are dark beers your cup of tea? Then try our stouts, porters and other dark beers. Are you ready for something lighter and fruitier after all that intensity? Try our weizens and session IPAs.

Why buy cask aged beer at Uiltje?

When you order your barrel aged beers from us, your beers go straight from the brewery to your fridge. Not that it's a rush, but still a familiar feeling. Another plus of ordering here is that we can tell you all about the craft beers we are so proud of. This is extra helpful with these craft beers because there are so many nuances and these beers are priced a bit higher. So read our extensive product descriptions at your leisure and choose the craft beer that appeals to you.