Prepare your taste buds for delight, my friends, because this ain’t your typical Mojo juice. No no, it’s Mojo-Jo-Juice. A Powerpuff New England IPA fruitier than the animated #girlpower series we’re riffing on. A mysterious and sinister tropical IPA with a criminal amount of passion fruit and mango. If Townsville had its own microbrewery, Mojo Jojo would be its brewmaster and this hoodoo juice its most powerful power ale.
Mojo Jo-Juice
Prijs exclusief statiegeld
- Beschikbaarheid
- 1 stuks op voorraad
- Levertijd
- Niet meer verkrijgbaar.
- Verzendkosten
- 6,95 - Vanaf 60 gratis verzending

Mojo Jo-Juice
Prijs exclusief statiegeld

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