
Bingowl is a tour connecting three pubs in the city centre of Haarlem where different assignments are hidden. Every assigment is one BingOwl box that need to be checked in order to win. The participants will get a coasters that will recieve the assignments on coasters at the startlocation including a presention of how to play. These assignments can be challenges, trivia questions, or a puzzle.But… We will not tell you which assignment is hidden in which of the 3 pubs. Can you connect the dots?


Date: 16th of June 2022
Start Location: Zijlstraat 18, 2011 TN Haarlem
Price: € 10,- per person, incl. the game and 3 drinks a person.


Winnar gets an Uiltje goodiebag and off course: eternOwl fame!

Sign up your team:

Sign up by mailing to After registration, you will receive an email from us containing the ticket link. After payment is received your participation is guaranteed.
Please make sure you select the correct number of participants for payment if you don’t want them to be disqualified.


BingOwl is a collaboration of Uiltje X Hogeschool Inholland, Haarlem